About SocIT Foundation

There are many NGOs that serve society admirably well. They cover gaps in the services that the common man needs but is unable to get for any of a myriad reasons. These non-profits bridge education, health, environment, economic development, and many more areas and are a very important component of a functioning society. The COVID-19 pandemic in the recent years has brought to the fore the amazing work they did; and also how technology is such a key factor in enabling their services. 

Unfortunately, not all non-profits are good at leveraging the power that technology puts at their disposal. This puts them at a disadvantage and holds them back from being the best they can be and their target beneficiaries are the ones who get impacted the most.

Our Mission

SocIT Foundation has a goal to make every such organization get the full benefit of technology and harness its power to deliver their services even better and on a bigger scale. 

SocIT Foundation is a registered non-profit trust and is entirely run by volunteers.

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Volunteer Run

All of SocIT’s work is carried out by volunteers who give their skills and time freely to a good cause. Many volunteer for multiple projects and bring in their own unique strengths. The non-profits we serve benefit from the immense experience and knowledge that would have been all but impossible for such organizations to get access to.

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Tools and Funding

SocIT Foundation raises funds from people and organizations that support its objectives.

Contribution to SocIT Foundation qualify for tax benefit under 12-Clause (iv) of first proviso to sub-section (5) of section 80G of Income-tax Act 1961 vide registration number ABDTS4548RF20221